Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my *Goddess Apparel* blog.  I may ramble, I may roam, but I will also try to be sure to share with you all what is going on with the fashion designs of my store.  LOL

I have been working on some new items to my store this summer.  The most recent is a gothic gown that was first designed as a wedding dress for a dj friend of mine. I even named it after her...the Ellen. It uses both sculpts and flexi prims to recreate the look of a Victorian gown complete with feathered hat and parasol (which opens and closes upon touch).  I also added some ankle boots to keep with the period look of the dress.
Here is a peek:
Just picture wearing that along the paths of a fog-filled park or back alleys of London!  I have made it in a variety of striking colors, but I think the gothic tones really define the gown the most.  Since it was made as a wedding gown, I will also be putting the veil up for sale next to the gown...a creation of ribbons, roses and lace that really flows well with the dress.

As I work on designs for my store, I try to not only find an outlet for the creations that are filling my head, but also meet the desires and needs of my audience in Second Life and Avination. To that end, I am trying to broaden my fashion collections.  I am currently working on some lingerie additions which I will be finishing in the next few weeks. I have plans for some pirate outfits and some medieval gown and tunics for those role players out there.

If you have any suggestions or wishes, just drop me a comment and I will do my best to see if I can help your fashion dreams come true!

~Athene Forder, Owner and Designer of Goddess Apparel

*Goddess Apparel*

*Goddess Apparel*